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New Directions

Updated: Jul 18, 2022

Changes coming for the NCBSA

Welcome to the redesigned North Carolina Baptist Secretaries Association (NCBSA) website! Our aim is to serve ministry secretaries, clerks, and administrative assistants, any office support staff, serving within the NC Baptist Convention (associations, churches, missions, children’s homes, and the like). This site features a refreshed design to better connect you with relationships and resources that can encourage, train, and enhance your spiritual growth and partnerships within the organization and beyond. The website redesign is part of an overall rebranding effort to highlight the administrative efforts within the canopy of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. Have you noticed how much things have changed in the last 40 years? Betty Walker’s dream of N.C. Baptist secretaries having opportunities for professional development, emotional support, and spiritual motivation is still alive and well; however, it will receive a new twist in the coming year. Because of all the advances in technology and accessibility to professional development through social media networks, zoom meetings, etc., the need for performance and development type classes, such as computer and computer programs or ‘how to’ classes, is not as vital as they once were. The name, NCBSA, doesn’t encompass all those that could and should be included. A few ideas are being tossed about in regards to changing the name to better describe our organization, as well as redesigning the logo. These are just a few things you have to look forward to if you come to this year’s 40th Anniversary Celebration of the NC Baptist Secretaries Association at Caraway Conference Center November 14-16, 2022 .

Click here for more information about this year's conference.

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